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Search results

  1. Anomaly 54

    Closed Pokemorph Hunters

    Jake got off the man. All his Houndoom were out cold or occupied already, leaving him unprotected. Jake kicked him in the temple, and left, bounding away on all fours. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he didn't care. Just as long as he got out of here.
  2. Anomaly 54

    Closed Pokemorph Hunters

    Jake looked around. He noticed that a Zubat morph was having a staring contest with the hunter. "I believe we are at a crossing point. You shoot and someone else will rip you to shreds. You don't shoot and I do. Your choice." The Zubat said. Wether he shoots or not, he's going down! Him and his...
  3. Anomaly 54

    Closed Pokemorph Hunters

    Jake jumped back as a Houndoom stalked towards him. "Gr..." He dived forward and began running on all fours, mouth wide and ready to bite. The two dogs collided, biting and slashing at each other. The Houndoom managed to push Jake to the ground. Jake tried to push back, but his arms were pinned...
  4. Anomaly 54

    Closed Pokemorph Hunters

    Hilao shrugged and kept his eyes on the Mareep-morph...until he spotted the Magikarp-morph. "Fiiiiish...." He muttered hungrily. "Damnit, why are there all these tasty-looking people around! Why can't there be someone who doesn't look tast-" and then his eyes fell on the Croagunk. He jogged...
  5. Anomaly 54

    Closed Pokemorph Hunters

    Hilao had been sitting behind the rock for a while now. It wasn't until he caught the smell of burning grass that he realised others were awake. He rolled over and stood up. He picked up his trainers and socks, which he had long-since abandoned, and threw them in the river. No need to carry more...
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