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Search results

  1. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    Dark Pulse the round away. Dark Pulse x3 By the way, Drapion's energy wasn't changed at the end of round four.
  2. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    Okay, so Aqua Tail comes first this round, because of the rain and all that. Then go ahead and use Acupressure again. After that, you can try to put those special attack boosts to good use by trying out your Hidden Power. Aqua Tail ~ Acupressure ~ Hidden Power
  3. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    Instead of giving you some set of complicated commands, I'll just tell you to use Acupressure, then Aqua Tail. After that, you can use Acupressure again, but use Aqua Tail instead if you missed with it the first time. Acupressure ~ Aqua Tail ~ Acupressure/Aqua Tail
  4. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    Eh, don't worry, Drapion. Be happy. You'll hit him next time. Now that I've finally gotten it into my head to look at Skorupi's egg moves, I've noticed that you can use Confuse Ray. So use it. Then try Acupressure and attempt another Aqua Tail. If for whatever reason it stops raining before you...
  5. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    Don't be intimidated by the giant flying Steelix, Drapion. So, we really like dancing, so you should start with Swords Dance and then use Rain Dance. Then you can put all that dancing to good use with an Aqua Tail. Swords Dance ~ Rain Dance ~ Aqua Tail
  6. Athasan

    [09] Athasan vs Kratos Aurion

    I'll be taking that Drapion, then.
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