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    what would you propose in place of "bisexual", then? find me a working prefix that doesn't suggest a binary and I'll shut up
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    My aunt and uncle started dating when he was in college and she was in high school. :x
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    a couple of my friends in high school had a relationship that lasted at least the entire school year. I say "at least" because they both graduated at the end of the year and are going to different colleges; I'm not sure if they're still continuing their relationship. I found that as a pretty...
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    one of my teachers found out about my bi-ness. then again it was through an essay I had to write for his class (which was Creative Writing) and an issue relating to my bi-ness was the subject I chose to wrote about. he didn't give a shit that I was bi. :VVVV
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    can't speak from experience (I've had straight guys and gay girls hit on me and both make me feel equally uncomfortable :V) but I would assume it's because they at least have the ability (for lack of a better word) to like the straight person back but not so much the gay person. Or perhaps...
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    I'm bi and I had to share a bed with a friend of mine who knew that I was (but around whom things were a teensy bit awkward purely because of that fact) in Disney World. :x
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    Biromantic asexual, I believe. I am not sexually attracted to anyone - and rather repulsed by the idea of sex, to be honest - but I've also had crushes on both guys and girls before :V (see: my topic in the coughing cupboard from April)
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