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Search results

  1. A

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    "Wow, I just caught Raikou at full health in a Fast Ball. I'm pretty pumped about that, although obviously I can't go express my joy to the world because I'm sitting in the middle of debate class. ... lol I wonder if I would act up if I found a shiny." [ten minutes later] "... really? a shiny...
  2. A

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    hey, I won with a bunch of level 55s! but then again I had a fuckton of revives and had to Hailstall a few Pokémon to death
  3. A

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    Did that happen in the same battle? I'm not sure that the weird weather effect accounts for that too. :/
  4. A

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    I KNOW WHAT THAT IS it's not the AR's fault if a person switches Pokémon and you use Pursuit on that Pokémon in the same turn, and if the Pursuit kills it, and if a weather effect is occurring, that weird thing will happen
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