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Search results

  1. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *dances around the blood of dead Pokemon* This... Is... THE BEST DAY EVAR! *dances some more until she suddenly stops* Okay, now that that is over with, time to get to our own recipe. *phases while the creepy voice echoes through the air* IN SECRECY!!!
  2. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *looks at plate with eye twitching* Oh, that's quite all right.. *noms Lavendar's dish*
  3. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: It's a good thing Avecual hasn't hugged me, or else she would be frozen to the very soul...
  4. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: Hmm? Oh, yes of course! I need someone to play the role of victim... *sparkle in eyes* Anyways... As for challenges, how about a Test of Courage? You know, you go through a creepy place... Avoid ghouls...Hopefully run into a blade of some sorts... LOTS OF BLOOD*cough cough* Anyways...
  5. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: Plus, when you break a bird's wings and they try to fly, glorious blood rains from the sky... Not that I like that kind of thing...
  6. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *looks around* Wait... Where did my team go? I mean, they were in the competition... Where did they go?
  7. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *Dances in field of plane remains* BLOOD! GLORIOUS BLOOD! YESSSS!!!! *notices cameras pointed at her. *Oh... Uh.... I'm rehearsing for an...ACTING ROLE! Yes! Acting! I play the part of a deranged psychopath that is obsessed with blood! heheheh....
  8. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *causes Hail to rain down from sky and prepares a Blizzard to take out the others attempting to take out her plane* NO! WE MUST WIN!
  9. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: Wouldn't that be counter-productive? We are on different teams after all...
  10. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *grabs tons of supplies and throws them in a pile on the ground* Can someone else build this? All my skills goes to KILLING... Uh.. At the Debate team! Yeah! It has nothing to do with my desire for bloodlus-DONATION! Blood...Donation... (Yay! Insane psychopath Froslass!)
  11. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *Sigh...* Let's just take a plane with average power and speed. I'll just freeze Superbird if he gets too fast. (And then sacrifice his blood to the blood god)
  12. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: Is average speed and average power an option?
  13. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    By interactivity, I think he means that instead of you posting all of our character's actions, we get to control them to some extent.
  14. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass:*phases back* Let's have a survival challenge to see who lasts longest in a DEATHCHAMBER*clears throat* Or capture the flag. Capture the flag works too.
  15. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass *stares at blood coming from RK* yes. yeeessss.... *quickly shakes off feelings of bloodlust* I-I mean that... Well, thank you for that Lavendar, but I'm afraid I must be going.*phases*
  16. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: *phases back on island* That was truly pathetic.. Where's all the BLOOD*cough cough* I mean entertainment.
  17. BlackTitress

    Poke Drama Island!!

    Froslass: Hello... I'm Titress the Froslass... I'm here to enjoy this competition... AND DESTROY YOU ALL!*coughcough.*... Sorry, did I say that out loud? Anyways... I hope to get to meet all of my fellow contestants and have some friendly competition. I really have no use for the money. I'm...
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