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Search results

  1. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Pokémonaholic- Hmm. A Riolu, strong and promising, but a bit naive. K.K.33- Azurill. Happy and altogether bouncy.
  2. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    J.T.- Croagunk, probably. A 'hey, how ya doin?' kind of guy.
  3. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    yay i'm playfulish I believe I called you a Smoochum; now you seem more like a Clefairy. Happy and spaced-out. (pun intended) Morph beith a... Krabby, I think. Don't know why, something to do with walking sideways.~
  4. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Hey, why is there a line through 'adorable'? I think I've done you before. Hold on; Yep. I stand by it.
  5. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Koori be a Latios. Rare to see and hard to find, cool and collected.
  6. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Hey Skillet, how'd you change your name? Eon is a Lucario. Wistful and smart. And you're avatar had a bit of an influence. Nice avatar, by the way.
  7. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Slart- Meowth. Ambiguous but cool.
  8. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Yay/i'm/docile. Shiny, you're a... Butterfree. You're mature for your level age, and you have a... floaty way of acting. I hope that made sense. Zoltea- Rattata. I can't take three steps without finding you, but I really think you're great.
  9. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Hmm, interesting. So I'm like Steameon or something?
  10. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Taliax- Latias, but not because of the avatar or banner. Rare but happy and cheerful.
  11. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    That might have been partially caused by my temporary banning from the computer. But okay. Espeon: Ralts. Quiet and shy-looking but well-liked. And you have the power to explode brains with your mind.
  12. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Hmm. Reclusive? In what way?
  13. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    *splutters with held-back laughter* And now to participate in the naive hope that someone will do the same for me. Male Gardevoir: Uh, probably an Abra. Really awesome, docile-looking at first, but scary when annoyed. Exo-Raikou: Kangaskhan, minus the girl-only thing. Generally only seen...
  14. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Surskitty- A Glameow, I think. Superior and fancy. And you have crinkly whiskers Kai- Chikorita or Bayleef, mostly because of the fact that your hair looks like its leaf; Also that your energetic and likable. Mewtwo- Drifloon. Bouncy and lighter than air, plus explosive. Also you try to...
  15. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Lots of things, just not pertaining to this. Celestial's never done anything to me personally, so, yeah, he's annoying, but I don't hate him. Verne Lileep. OMIGOSH THE TENTACLES, THE TENTACLES! Eccentric and awesome.
  16. Blastoise Fortooate

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    RandomTyphoon: A Pichu or something? Happy and energetic and excited about stuff. Arylett: A Smoochum, possibly. Curious and loves her own hair. DarkArmour: Metang. Floaty and smart, put as hard as steel. And floaty. I think Celestial's more like a Tentacool. Around a lot and vaguely...
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