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Search results

  1. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Oh, gosh, I just discover the NaNo stats page, and it very sagely told me that at this rate I will finish on April 10. xD
  2. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    gogogo team C aaah I am so behind. I lost something like 500 words a day ago, but then last night I kind of wrote 1000 words out of nowhere. I got inspired to novelize a scene of the play I'm doing and I am enjoying it so much that I think I may continue with this rather than my planned story. ^^
  3. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Uhwhat. I just wrote 1400ish words. I don't care if that doesn't even match 1667, I'm really proud that I actually managed to make myself write. There may be more to come today, too~
  4. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    No writing today, unfortunately. Out all day. But that is what weekends are for. And I got assigned an english project, and part of it is to write a new chapter to the book, and write a fictional letter from a character. Yay, more wordcount. :)
  5. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I'm at 317. I win? :'D
  6. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Oh. Iunno, I assumed we were doing teams. Silly me! But yeah, if we did it individually I know that I would lose miserably, so at least on a team I might have faster writers to help the team, and some motivation not to give up in the middle of the month.
  7. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    510820. I have an easy number. =D Whoever is on my team...beware of my dangerously low wordcount that I will try to raise but will very likely fail.
  8. Blazie

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Last year ended in failure. I wrote ~4000 words. But this year I've learned how to force myself to write so I'm gunning for at least 25,000 words. Of course, I won't stop if I get there, but right now a goal higher than that would intimidate me. And even though you're supposed to start a new...
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