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Search results

  1. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Deciphering prophecies would be fun, although they would probably be ominous like this one…but, given that finding more meant going back up and taking the other route, Noelle was happy to oblige, eager to breathe normally even for a few moments. "I'll help," she called, following Crystal...
  2. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((Yay! It took me a while to get the Pokemorph connection, actually. I read it, went to a different page for a bit, then came back and reread it. And then I had to think for a bit to actually put it together. But that was fun. ^^)) "So you think the people who captured you are part of…Team...
  3. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((Yay, this RP's fairly alive again. =D)) Noelle stared at the Unown, trying to think of the poem as a sentence rather than three lines. From cover of dark, a group, targeting those of two bodies, one man. "Maybe…" she started slowly, "it means they're targeting a group that's split into two...
  4. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    "Hush. Don't scare away the Pokemon," Noelle snapped. She wasn't in the best of moods, and the fact that her last encounter with a human had been extremely aggravating didn't help one bit. He would probably muck everything up and make murder seem justified, like Leonard had… ((This is Noelle's...
  5. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((No, he walked in into the darkness and…I give up. -deletes-)) Footsteps echoed down the cave. Noelle eyed them frightenedly until they revealed themselves to be human. How he can breathe so normally is beyond me, she thought, stepping closer to Crystal. "I've about had it with humans…"
  6. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((Chao. Inactivity for ten hours doesn't warrant a bump.)) Oops. Maybe she hadn't been as quiet and slow as she'd hoped. The room lit up suddenly; Noelle wasn't really sure how that had happened, but her attention was drawn to a section of the wall covered with a line or two of Unown. It was...
  7. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((Very much so. =D)) Noelle debated whether or not to just sit down and try to sleep. But she had come here to look around, right? And Crystal was going down a promisingly long passage. Following the hall, looking around and paying attention to the runes, she nearly walked into the wall...
  8. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    "Not really," Noelle said. "I wanted to look at the runes and look around in general, I guess, but the fact that half of them are pretty much unreadable has kinda put me off. Now I'm just…I don't actually know. I've just been watching the fight, expressing my hatred of Leonard and that...
  9. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    The timing of Oliver's stomach growling was perfect to accentuate the point. Noelle sighed and glanced up at Crystal, wondering in the back of her mind what Oliver's overdone grin was for. "Not to sound rude, but…what are we doing here? Did you do whatever you were wanting to do?"
  10. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((Riiiight. The screech was from outside. -facepalm- I'm waiting for Mercedes, since Noelle and Crystal just asked Oliver questions.))
  11. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((giantnoob! My computer died around November. Being forced to be offline sucks. Okay, starting from when Noelle first fell asleep: Staree flew down and picked up Tamra's left-behind camera. Noelle woke up and made a big deal about it but once the argument got bigger she slipped away to talk to...
  12. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    "Looks bad," she observed skeptically. But if he didn't want to admit it hurt, he was either distracted or trying to be chivalrous. She snickered. She could barely hear herself laugh trough the woozy ringing in her head. Ouch. Sighing, Noelle said quietly, "This kind of sucks, though. We're...
  13. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((I keep forgetting to say this, but I love Oliver as a character. He's just so…likeable. ^^)) Noelle shrugged the hand off of her shoulder. "I'm fine. Just sort of-" Noelle paused when she looked up. "Oliver? What…why are you bleeding?"
  14. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((-sigh- I'd nitpick on Twiggy's post but I'm feeling lazy, so I'll just keep going…)) Another Screech filled the cave. "Damn him!" Noelle yelled, clutching her head. She really wanted to curl into a ball and stay that way, but the screeching had already stopped. She covered her face with her...
  15. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Noelle was failing in the awake department, but she was desperate not to fall asleep. People would probably fuss over her and stuff. And what if they left and she didn't get a chance to finish looking at the ruins? She registered Tamra making a sarcastic remark about Leonard. She sounds kind...
  16. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Noelle tried to cross her arms, failed because of her wings, and settled for clenching her fists. "While I'm happy he's gone, he just called me either insane or an asshole. Great." She wearily slumped against the unbroken wall and traced the runes tiredly, muttering something about 'defacing...
  17. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Noelle rolled her eyes at Oliver. "Someone has to let him know he's not loved. And besides," she continued quietly, "Throwing him out of the cave is different than throwing insults at him."
  18. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Tiredly cringing inside at Tamra's choice of words, Noelle muttered, "He probably wouldn't even have noticed us, since he seems to be colour-blind and is so unobservant." Glancing at Sir-Cotton-Puffs himself, she said, even quieter, "Maybe if we're quiet we can still do it now."
  19. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    "Okay, first, outside would have been better! Mating call or not, it would have done much less damage and the runes would be readable! Not to mention that we're in a cave, which echoes, and therefore multiplies the sound until you give people headaches! Oh, but of course Sir-Cotton-Puff doesn't...
  20. Blazie

    Open As Darkness Falls

    Noelle as a blood-curdling screech rang through the room. She clutched at her head and the migraine that would surely follow. Looking back at the wall, she saw that many cracks littered the wall, making it near impossible to read the faded runes. And sh couldn't concentrate with that headache...
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