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Search results

  1. B

    The Challenge Board

    I'll be a third in this crazy battle.
  2. B

    The Challenge Board

    I accept! PROFILE GOES HERE!
  3. B

    The Challenge Board

    4v4 Single Style: Switch DQ Time Limit: 5 Days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: Weather Moves, OHKOs, 3 Chills per Pokemon. Arena: WWE Monday Night Raw Arena Description: Directly in the middle of thousands of screaming fans sits a wrestling ring. Our trainers will do battle in a wrestling...
  4. B

    The Challenge Board

    I only have 4 pokemon, but I'll take this challenge! Profile?
  5. B

    The Challenge Board

    If I could be your third? Profile, GET!
  6. B

    The Challenge Board

    Accepted! Profile to be edited NOW!!
  7. B

    The Challenge Board

    Hey! I'm Gonna Lose, but this seems way too fun to pass up. EDITED PROFILE HERE.
  8. B

    The Challenge Board

    Posting just to say I'm still interested in both my battles. Don't want them removed while I wait. Thank you.
  9. B

    The Challenge Board

    I'll Accept this challenge. Woot! Profile!
  10. B

    The Challenge Board

    If I'm allowed to, I'll accept this. HEY! Look! A Profile!
  11. B

    The Challenge Board

    Thank you, these are my first battles, so I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
  12. B

    The Challenge Board

    I'll accept this challenge. Imma Chargin' Mah Proflie!!
  13. B

    The Challenge Board

    After this statement, to avoid having either of my battles removed, just want to say awaiting ref for both battles. Sorry if that's out of line or whatnot, just don't want them removed.
  14. B

    The Challenge Board

    I'll throw a challenge out, as having more than one match out may increase chances of getting approved. Format: 3 Vs. 3 - One Out at A Time Style: Set DQ Time: 5 days Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing Moves, Only Five Chills Per Trainer Arena: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Pokemon...
  15. B

    The Challenge Board

    First battle, I shall accept! My Profile!
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