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Search results

  1. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    My 3rd playthrough of Pokemon White is nearing it's end & i'm playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 as ever. SINCE IT KEEPS DELETING MY SAVE DATA AND FORCING ME TO START AGAIN. I've also tried playing Alien VS Predator on the PS3, the Alien story is so much fun :3
  2. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    DS: Pokemon Diamond/Ruby (swapping every now & then) PS3: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (Such a great fighting game)
  3. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Started replaying Pokemon Colosseum as well, forgot how awesome it is! :D Its like PBR but with a story and energy. Does anyone know if i'll be able to save data (as im playing it on the wii with no memory stick as such)
  4. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    PS3: I'm still into COD6: Modern Warfare 2 and I recently downloaded Marvel VS Capcom 2 for my fighting goodness. Wii: No T_T DS: HeartGold Platinum
  5. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I bought a PS3 yesterday with 2 free games (Little Big Planet & Infamous so i'll be playing them once I get them installed. Other than that: Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl PS2: Sonic plus Mega Collection Star Wars Battlefront 1 Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Best movie tie-in ever, I freaking...
  6. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I'm mostly waiting out until my birthday until I get a TTDS update but i've found myself playing Ruby non-stop. I have:- MudSkipper the Swampert Kappa the Gardevoir Prae the Breloom Peppar the Grumpig Aquatics the Azumarill BackStab the Mawile Just sharing that with you...
  7. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Indeed it is. Yeah, I got it when it first came out, awesomely fun game but I have to play it in short bursts to stop it getting repetitive. Great game though.
  8. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    DS: Pokemon Ruby PS2: Worms 2: Open Warfare Wii: RedSteel & Madworld
  9. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Cool. Thats actually good price, I might get one, did you get Sonic Chaos?
  10. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Well it wasn't that much of a glitch, just the screen and the sound went blank whenever I got to the top floors. Its all sorted now, it didn't do it again and now i've defeated Primal Dialga.
  11. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Oh I also forgot, I restarted my PMD2 due to a glitch that didnt let me get any further (fairly early in the game.) and I was Blu the Squirtle with Bonfire the Cyndaquil but I got bored of them and restarted before I had even beaten Drowzee! Now i'm Blake the Mudkip and a Pikachu called Vole in...
  12. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Virtual Console: Lylat Wars Pokemon Snap F-Zero X (Amazing!, I always play as Captain Falcon or Samarai Goroh and adore deathmatch.) Wii: Super Mario Galaxy (Damn I hate the sweet sweet galaxy.) Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (I'm stuck.) MarioKart Wii (I'm trying to unlock the mii.) Madworld (I...
  13. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I decided to replay the Sub-space Emissionary
  14. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    DS: Diamond Pearl (Playing on wi-fi with my friend) Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (been playing non-stop since I got it in July.) MarioKart Wii (trying to unlock Mii) Pokemon Battle Revolution (trying to get more battle passes.) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption ( I need to get back...
  15. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

  16. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I gotta start MarioKart Wii from scratch now after I was forced to delete all of the save files because of a mucked up Action Replay on the wii.
  17. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    oh yeah sorry. I was getting it mixed up with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I'm playing MySims Kingdom right now on the DS.
  18. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I've got it on Gamecube, Sonic Rivals 2. BTW on Sonic Unleashed i'm reviewing it recently. The daytime missions are classic great sonic at its best and some of the areas have been based on the old sonic games. The nighttime moments were bad. Its not even that they are "technical difficulties"...
  19. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    DS: Gone back to MarioKart Super Mario 64 DS (With hacks) Phoenix Wright: T&T (with hacks) WarioWare:Touched! Kirby Power Paintbrush Wii: Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party Family Ski STILL BRAWL! ¬_¬ I'm addicted, I admit it. MarioKart Wii Call of Duty 3 PBR Gamecube: Collosseum Sonic Rivals 2...
  20. Bombsii

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Wii: Super Mario Galaxy Super Smash Bros. Brawl (still) ILOVE IT! WiiFit, (I love it) Family Ski DS: Super Mario Slam Basketball NinjaTown
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