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Search results

  1. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    I'll just go ahead and do the Soul Eater series: Maka Albarn- Gorebyss Soul Evans- Zangoose Blackstar- Makuhita Tsubaki- Gardevoir Death the Kid- Staraptor Liz Thompson- Venomoth Patty Thompson- Cleffa Shinigami-Sama- Dusknoir Medusa- Arbok Arachne- Ariados Free- Granbull
  2. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    I'm going to redo this list now after reading Dark Calling. Grubbs Grady:Books (1-7)- Elekid Grubbs Grady:Books (1-9)- Rampardos Dervish- Machoke Kernel (Book 2 & 9)- Buizel Kernel (Every book he stars inbetween)- Gabite Beranabus- Alakazam (duh.) Bill-E- Ralts Shark- Sharpedo Juni Swan-...
  3. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    random Doctor Who characters (2005-2009) 9th Doctor: Kangaskhan or Kadabra 10th Doctor: Groyvle Rose Tyler: Roselia Martha Jones: Linoone Donna Noble (Runaway bride): Loudred Donna Noble (Partners in Crime): Swellow Sarah Jane: Togetic Captain Jack Harkness: Zangoose Mickey Smith: Bibarel...
  4. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    Okay, thanks, its kinda hard to tell.
  5. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    I thought Nidoking quite suited Ganon. I'll do futurama. (Main characters only) Fry: Pikachu Leela: Jumpluff Bender: Bronzong Professor Hubert Farnsworth: Alakazam? Xatu? Amy Wong: Igglybuff Zoidberg: Corphish Hermes Conrad: Hariyama Brannigan: Sceptile? Kif Kroker: Politoed Lur: Glalie
  6. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    Trinity Productions- Seb- Sneasel Tony- Totodile Tom- Politoed John Hutch- Nuzleaf Don't even ask
  7. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    Darren Shan: The Demonata Grubbs- Charmeleon Dervish- Machoke Kernel- Buizel or Gabite Beranabus- Alakazam (who else?) Bill-E- Ralts Shark- Sharpedo Juni Swan- Mismagius Bec- Nidorina Lord Loss- Darkrai Meera Flame- Staravia Prae Athim- Mothim The Shadow- Giratina Antoine-Sableye Pip- Raichu
  8. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    Mario- Plusle Luigi- Minum Peach- Roselia Bowser- Nidoking Bowser Jnr.- Nidorino Yoshi- Turtwig Wario- Hariyama Waluigi- Sableye
  9. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    Rayman: Why do I think of Elekid? Raving Rabbids: Buneary (with rabies)
  10. Bombsii

    Recast a movie/book/tv show/video game with Pokemon.

    THE TORCHWOOD TEAM: Captain Jack Harkness: Blaziken or a Scizor Ianto: Heracross Owen: Nidorino This is where it gets tricky Gwen:Furret Tosh:Ledian
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