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Search results

  1. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    The IT: Now it's my thing too. =D Mike: Can't I win both, and then win the murder one TOO? =P Colossal: =O Welcome. I'm much less... posty though. =P Dannichu: Freakishly Awesome? That's pretty damn awesome. I'm a bit of an RPG nut, Final Fantasy for example, is something I've played a lot of...
  2. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    Mike's a god in human form though. =O I have to worship him once a week at least. ;_; And terrorise him 24 times a week too. (25 is too much. =P)
  3. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    =O I'm actually not having much caffeine now. 2 months ago I was slightly... um, well, suffering hugely bad side effects.
  4. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    @Philly: (Here goes.) NO HABLO ESPANOL, SENOR. ;D @Ice Tiger: Do not come to England. Stay where you are. You'll regret the move to here, most likely. =P @Tailsy: It'd be so cool if it were called Whales though. XD Thanks.
  5. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    Thanks. =D It's sort of a catchphrase of mine. XD When used, people typically reply with Spanish and I have to hide in fear. D=
  6. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    =O It's the caffeine addicted Dwagie! This place gets more and more awesome each second. In fact, it's getting too awesome. ;_; Edit@Philly: Not really. Though I might try out some RP's sometime. =D
  7. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    T&T is pretty good. Haven't played Apollo Justice though. D=
  8. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    @AmericanBlastiosePerson: Hi. =D @Phil...I mean Philly: I fail at being English. ;_; I don't like that spot of tea or cod. I do however like crumpets, which makes up for it a little. @OBJECTION!: =O Phoenix Wright, eh? That is a really epic game. Especially the last case in Justice for All.
  9. Bonkenhi

    Blame Mike and Arylett

    For having my presence here. Because they're so awesome and I know they're here a lot, I magically teleported here and stuff. Anyways, I encourage you all to call me George. I'm quite easy to get along with, and I live in the place with poor weather, England. =P Nice to meet you all. =D
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