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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    I have Flygon. It's one of my all-time favourite Pokémon. I just love it. I know Garchomp is a lot stronger, but I've always loved Flygon more. Also, I found out yesterday about Zygarde being a 600 base stat legendary, which shocked me to say the least. Also, if Bulbapedia is to be believed...
  2. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Alas, my brother remains useless. Only Aipom and Minccino in here. How do you see what type you are? Can you?
  3. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Well my little brother George is a Normal type. COME ON BRING ON THE DITTOS (the chances are astronomical, but there's a chance nonetheless)
  4. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Wow, that does sound kind of cool. Now I'm intrigued as to what type I am. According to the TCoD test I am Ice :sunglasses:
  5. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    I'm busy doing other stuff on mine at the moment. Could someone explain the Friend Safari to me? I've seen it but not had chance to try it out. It sounds pretty cool though.
  6. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Thanks. I just forgot about each E4 member, other than Wikstrom, since I barely saw them. FYI, Wikstrom gave me the most trouble. Or rather, only Wikstrom gave me any trouble, at all. His Aegislash, specifically.
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