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Search results

  1. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    I'm at N's Castle right now, and I haven't had to use any HMs to progress. Unless that segment with Cut was mandatory. I did end up using Surf, as that was the only way to get a Kibago, but...I didn't need to do that.
  2. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    Does Kibago only appear in the back areas of Fukiyose cave, where you need Strength? EDIT: Nevermind! Found it! Approaching the eighth gym...
  3. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    There is a gym in the back of the museum. Also, a lack of bugs? Just wait until trying to get to Hiun...
  4. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    Ok, where, specifically, is the Dig TM? I know it's in the desert, but I can't find the darned thing. Once I know where that is, I can get on with my playthrough.
  5. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    You missed the fact that you get a bike when you arrive in Raimon. The music there is love.
  6. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    EDIT: NEVERMIND WHAT I PREVIOUSLY SAID IN THIS POST Uh I need to catch something for the Bug gym. Any suggestions?
  7. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    AtomicPokabu, you're a TVTropes editor, aren't you...or a B-tard? Anyway, the new Pokemon really grew on me. Especially Choroneko. i used to hate it but now I love it.
  8. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

  9. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    Holy crap. I hope this is not real and is just a prank because that's just dumb if it's not. My friend's ROM has confirmed most of the music as real, by the way. He's not very far yet, though.
  10. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    Hey guys Legendary battle music is legendary
  11. Cap'n Sofa

    Black & White

    And it looks like she might be a Dark-type specialist...maybe. First Dark gym?
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