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Search results

  1. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Random sprites: Linelesses: Re-type: Splice: CC+C Please!
  2. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    What is it? I'm glad you asked ZuZu! It's a splice of 7 different pokemon, and it is the ONLY splice that has ever made my stomach churn. The head is oddly placed because it's a cubone's skull on a typhlosion head. To be honest, it looked better without the recolor. Also, that's Mukk's mouth on...
  3. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    'Kay since my shop's stopped getting requests after I finished the first one, I guess I'll just post this here... C+C? (If you don't comment on how disgusting it is, I will be offended.)
  4. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Nice. The black and grey Scyther-Mewtwo looks the best, I think, and the revamps are awesome!
  5. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    So I should keep practicing?
  6. Chaon

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I just learned how to splice, and I want some feedback. Should I continue practicing, or am I wasting my time. Please keep in mind that these are my first splices. Wooperill (Wooper + Azurill) Scytops (Scyther + Kabutops) Skarmitar (Skarmory + Pupitar) Ghastlypuff (Ghastly + Jigglypuff)...
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