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  1. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Thank you so much! -I probably should have looked up some references before drawing it, huh? xP- That really helps ^^ I see what I should fix for next time :3
  2. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Oh okay. Can you please redline my winged lion :3? I'd really appreciate it ^^
  3. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Those are amazing :O :D -newbie question- What's a redline?
  4. C

    ArtMo 2010

    My lion's legs are too short, where the mane connects to the body makes it appear to be neck-less, and I failed at attaching the wing to the body with anything except for a hideous lump xD...Oh well, I'm gonna try and draw a replacement for that pic ^^ Why don't you draw animals or pokemon like...
  5. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Thank you x] It was difficult, and it involved many ripped up pieces of scratch paper in which I messed up xD..
  6. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Here are my first four. 'Tis terrible ;-; Doggie A terrible winged lion >.< A christmas pikachu taking a bath in smudge marks and eraser marks :( Snakey. Urgh it's messed up...
  7. C

    ArtMo 2010

    It blocks Deviantart and whatever it categorizes as 'Image/Media File Sharing Sites' Strangely it doesn't block Photobucket xD?
  8. C

    ArtMo 2010

    I look at them. The ones that my computer doesn't stupidly block anyway. And I'm posting them in bulk too xD
  9. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Urgh, my parents blocked deviantart so I can't look at everyone's entries T_T *sadface* Oh well... And I happen to like that pic, dragonair ^^
  10. C

    ArtMo 2010

    Joining :3 Are sketches allowed as well?
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