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Search results

  1. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    X/Y Progress thread

    Beat the champion, they were even easier than Iris Hall of Fame team: Pompey the Delphox Level 72 - Flamethrower - Psychic - Will-O-Wisp - Shadow Ball Pilkington the Heliolisk Level 72 - Thunderbolt - Surf - Thunder Wave - Dig Stephen the Aurorus Level 72 - Ice Beam - Rock Slide - Psychic -...
  2. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    X/Y Progress thread

    Four badges, starting on the Power Plant business Pompey the Lv. 38 Delphox Chauncey the Lv. 39 Vivillon Rupert the Lv. 39 Gogoat Takenouchi the Lv. 39 Pangoro Mr. Drippy the Lv. 38 Spritzee (wish I had someone to trade with...) Swiggins the Lv. 38 Malimar Pilkington the Lv. 38 Heliolisk...
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