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Search results

  1. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.5/10 Very festive. Nice. Frosty Wheel - Kirby's Epic Yarn
  2. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.4/10 Nice. A nice, intense battle theme. Remix 4 - Rhythm Heavan Fever
  3. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7.25/10 Decent, but nothing that was particularly memroable to me. It had piano, which is a nice intsrument, I think. Sonic Adventure - Crazy Robo (vs. E-101 Beta)
  4. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    idk why more people don't post in this thread. It's easy, you get music to listen to, it's fun times. 6.75/10, does the forboding temple aesthetic well. Death by Glamour - Undertale
  5. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6.7/10 No offense but that was one of the most generic battle themes I've ever heard (still alright though) Sayonara Rolling Star - Beautiful Katamari
  6. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6.67/10 It was decent, but nothing extraordinary imo. Bad Down to the Molten Core - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
  7. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7.2/10 Unrelated to the song but those koalas frighten me. Ain't That Funny - MadWorld
  8. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.3/10 Does anyone know what this style of music is called? 'Cause I do like it. Dared to Dream - Double Dragon Neon
  9. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.9/10 Not much to say, just a cool sounding battle music. Bright Sound (Dry Lagoon) - Sonic Adventure 2
  10. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6.2/10 It's a bit...generic. I listened to it three times and hardly remember it. This isn't anit-Digimon bias I swear I loved Digimon growing up almost as much as Pokemon Gargoman is still the best. Hole in One - Rhythm Heaven Fever
  11. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7.5/10 (Roughly average score from all of the songs) Captain Falcon's Theme - F-Zero GX
  12. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.5/10 Definitely one of the more unique battle tracks in Pokémon that I can think of. And it wears the DS soundfont well. Battle! Colress - Pokémon Black 2/White 2
  13. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    trueart/10 Dreams of an Absolution -Sonic '06 I almost chose Stardust Speedway Bad Future but I noticed it was already done a few posts ago. Also why couldn't this song have been in a better game and about a better character.
  14. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9.1/10 No idea what this is, but it sounds cool. Nibbs Theme - Awesomenauts
  15. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9.42/10 Tonight (Remix 3) - Rhythm Heaven Fever (Alternative link to this song 'in action'. Being from a rhythm game and all.)
  16. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 Well that was a nice ten minutes The Show - Castle Crashers
  17. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.2/10 - Not usually my favorite style of vidya game BGM, but this one was pretty nice. Mr. Bear (Penny's Theme) - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
  18. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7.48/10 (Note: I have never played FFVII, and if I had, I probably would've given this song a higher score, due to having an actual emotional attachment to it) Frozen Hillside - Kirby Air Ride
  19. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.2/10 Alright alright Kamek Battle - Paper Mario: Sticker Star
  20. Connoiseusse Burgundy

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    4.6/10 More like 'Having a MILD Time' amirite guys hahaha (docking extra points because my browser messed up and I have to re-type this post) The Hero From Junes - Persona 4 Arena
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