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Search results

  1. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] Not My Business! [Silver Solo]

    Silver walked into his room, humming to himself. Small strands of fur of all kinds littered his own pelt, but that wasn't in his mind at the moment. It had been a productive day, way more than he expected. With so many last-minute requests of new fur styles for the tonight’s gala, he had...
  2. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver held his paws out and flashed a neutral, but somewhat reassuring, expression. “Hey, now, it’s alright. I know how it’s like looking for some achievement you can claim as your own in a saturated environment.” He shrugged. “Besides, it’s better to take your time finding something you like...
  3. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver smirked, then laughed heartily. “Well! That’d be quite the plot twist, wouldn’t it? But… yeah! It would be really cool, and the proof that even misguided guys can find the right path.” And I hope I’ll get the chance to prove myself someday, too… “Ah, but anyway… With this tangent and...
  4. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Apex Note - Silver talks about his past… by defending ??? The very moment that Corey began describing the theft at the laboratory, Silver’s heart plummeted. Outside, he might have showed a stoic and serious expression, but deep inside he was battered by a hurricane of scorching memories and...
  5. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Ah, a Pokémon researcher! That piqued Silver’s curiosity even more, since his interactions with professors were… strained, to say the least. He listened keenly to the retelling of the other former human, nodding once in a while to let him know he was following the conversation. Silver couldn’t...
  6. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver nodded slowly, taking in what Corey was saying. It made sense; far too many times he had to focus hard to avoid accidentally clawing away strands and other material, and that in turn reduced the accuracy of his movements. That was something he had noticed with Nyula, too. A Sneasel’s way...
  7. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver chuckled in amusement. “Welcome to the Pokémon world, as some professors would say.” He stopped chuckling to show a genuine grin. “I don’t think it’s that terrible, but I could offer you a trim or something, if you wish.” He winked. “Heck, I could even give you a discount!” Silver...
  8. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver shrugged. “Heh. I guess I’m one of the lucky kids who got names based on colors during the Color Craze. Y’know, when the peak originality was calling your kid Red, Green, Blue Leaf, or Gold.” As soon as Corey mentioned his hair, Silver held a tuft between his claws and grinned proudly...
  9. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver waited for the Ralts to enter into his room, leaning against the small desk with his arms crossed. It sure felt so strange to invite someone to his own little personal haven, but if he needed to learn how to be more sociable, then he had to learn how to get out of his comfort zone as...
  10. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver tilted his head, his gaze wandering from the Ralts’ paws to… what little he could see of his face, and doubt crossed on his face. Could his teammate really help him out without fingers? …Though, who knew. Maybe he really could? If anything, since Ralts are psychics, then Silver could...
  11. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    “…Good to hear you’re alright.” Silver sighed in relief and rubbed the back of his neck, his head feather drooping slightly. “About your question… Let’s just say that today’s not really my day.” The now-Sneasel huffed and crossed his arms, while his feather straightened up once more. “I’ve...
  12. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Silver froze as soon he heard the yelp, his ear swiveling back. As far as he knew, doors didn’t groan. And considering that he didn’t hear the usual sharp slam but a dull thud, it could mean only one thing… “…Dang! What now?” In part worried and in part angry with himself, he turned around and...
  13. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] The Emotionally Stunted & The Empath (Corey & Silver)

    Sitting on the bed of his room, Silver was working on an impossible task: learning how to braid with his claws. He glared at the lock of long fur, which he had carefully gathered while cleaning the floor of his employer’s place and tied together with a rubber band. But it turned out that...
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