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Search results

  1. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Silver winced, having detected a faint tone of annoyance. Crap, did I accidentally press some button? “Um…” He scratched the back of his head, his feathers drooping. “Hey, huh, if I upset you… Hm, I’m sorry, okay? I was trying to mediate, and…” He groaned loudly. “Ugh! I’m so not good at this...
  2. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Seeing the Watchog dropping her defensive stance after resisting for so long was quite the whiplash. She looked so… unmotivated and vulnerable, and that sight made Silver feel uncomfortable. In the depths of his mind there was a dark side of him mixed with new predator instincts that wished to...
  3. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    By the gods! That darned Watchog was still holding her ground? Even after all her teammates had been taken down? The heat of indignation flooded Silver’s mind once more, and his temper fully exploded when his teammates got targeted once more. Enough was enough! “Okay, that’s it!” Silver...
  4. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    An exhilarating giddiness flooded through Silver’s body at the sight of the fainted Pawniard. Oh yes, nothing made him feel more alive than triumphing over his opponents! “Okay! Who’s next?” he shouted defiantly, far too confident to realize that his moment of glory was short-lived. A flash of...
  5. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    A few moments ago… Just as Silver began walking away from the Watchog, turning his head a couple of times to shoot some foul glares for good measure, everything turned upside-down. Screams erupted from the building, crowds of panicky ‘mons poured out of the door, guards repelled and tried to...
  6. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Silver blinked, unimpressed. ‘Wow, you must be fun at parties! …Oh, wait.’ That felt like such a waste of time. He gave a polite nod and walked away. Gotta work more on your smooth talking, ginger!
  7. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Silver cocked an eyebrow, impressed by her composure. ‘Wow, guard’s more focused than a Hoothoot wearing Wide Lens! It’s gonna be hard to divert her attention elsewhere…’ “Oh, it’s nothing, really,” Silver replied, shrugging. “I just wanted to compliment y’all for being so vigilant during this...
  8. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    After spending his entire afternoon for preparations, Silver showed up just in time to dive into the celebration. That mansion sure was majestic, that much he had to admit, and its sheer size was a testament of the wealth of Mr. Birdbrain. With his claws carefully honed, his hair gathered in a...
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