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Search results

  1. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Hmmm... Swagger~Nasty Plot~Energy Ball
  2. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Okay, so he's using alot of supereffevtive moves. So we have to be evasive. Start out with a Protect, and follow up with a Dig. Protect~Dig (2 Turns)
  3. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Lets see... Drake!
  4. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Okay, to start off use Superpower, and then use Sucker Punch, and then Chill. I can't really find any reason why. Superpower~Sucker Punch~Chill
  5. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Okay, Katrina doesnt exactly have any moves that are good against a Zigzagoon (except for one, I guess) so start with a Megahorn. After that use a Psycho Cut and a Sucker Punch. Megahorn~Psycho Cut~Sucker Punch
  6. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Luxcario vs Cubone Use Night Slash three times. I want to end this. Night Slash~Night Slash~Night Slash
  7. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Luxcario vs Cubone Okay, to start it off, use Sucker Punch. Afterwards, use Night Slash. Finally, use Arial Ace. And I believe that Rarity overlooked one little thing. Also, Windyragon made a typo sig-worthy. Sucker Punch~Night Slash~Arial Ace
  8. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Luxcario vs Cubone Okay I just found out you can use Curse, so use it. You could use the stat boost. Then, use Thunderbolt, since if you keep using Thunder you'll run out of energy. Then, finish it with a Shadow Claw. Curse~Thunderbolt~Shadow Claw
  9. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone Okay, so I clearly have to do something to Dopey before he uses rest. It looks like our best option is to paralyze him, so use Thunder Wave. In case that doesnt work, use Calm Mind to power up a Thunder. Thunder Wave~Calm Mind~Thunder
  10. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone Okay, since Dopey is poisoned, it wouldn't hurt to use Hex. And, just to stick a powerhouse in there, how 'bout a Thunder? Finally, use a Flash. Hex~Thunder~Flash
  11. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone Okay, it's always good to get a status problem in there, so how 'bout a Toxic? Then, how about a Swords Dance for good measures. Then, finish it with a Megahorn. Toxic~Swords Dance~Megahorn
  12. Dar

    Rarity vs Cubone

    Re: Throwing Stars vs Cubone Hmmm... How 'bout Katrina first?
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