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Search results

  1. Dave Strider

    Referee Headquarters

    Shouldn't I get £14, not £8?
  2. Dave Strider

    Referee Headquarters

    Fail Novice ref Gogogo! Pokémon Partner (O) Monferno <Blaze> (M) Health: 80% Energy: 93% Status: Impatiently waiting for his orders, still cold, Affected By Leech Seed. (-1% health per action) Commands: Sunny Day ~ Blaze Kick/Heat Wave ~ Counter/Flamethrower Missingno_7-4468 (O)...
  3. Dave Strider

    Referee Headquarters

    Trying and probably failing again for novice rank. Arena Description: Current Pokémon Status: opaltiger (OO) Trapinch Ossus (Male) HP: 100% EG: 85% Status: Starting to feel a bit cocky. Pokemongirl (OO) Pichu Ruichii (Male) HP: 70% EG: 84% Status: Angry. Plain and simple. Next Round's...
  4. Dave Strider

    Referee Headquarters

    Trying and failing for novice again. Current Pokémon Status: Get Innocuous (O) Absol Yin <Super Luck> (F) Health: 91% Energy: 85% Status: Hurt by the Take Down, but pleased with the way the round went (-1 to Defence). Taunt/Night Slash ~ Sucker Punch/Night Slash ~ Sucker Punch/Night Slash...
  5. Dave Strider

    Referee Headquarters

    Trying for novice. Current Pokémon Status: Elbub Darkness the Eevee (F) <Adaptability> Health: 91% Energy: 80% Status: Panting from all the tackling. Feeling slightly better from Paralysis. Paralyzed (25% to not move this round; 15% next round) Double Team ~ Facade/Swagger ~...
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