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Search results

  1. Dave Strider

    Idea Center

    Yeah, I was planning on simplifying battles quite a lot if I do make it. The battle system would be based on attack points and defense points, kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh, not damage counters. However, i still do need more people to express interest in it before i do make it.
  2. Dave Strider

    Idea Center

    I was thinking about starting a pokemon TCG style RP. If anyone would be interested, I'll post the general idea for the plot, but I might need help getting the plot sorted as this is the first time I've tried to run an RP.
  3. Dave Strider

    Idea Center

    I had an idea for a TCG based RP. The Pokemon on the cards turn to life in the special stadiums, But they can only use the moves on the cards. Should I make it?
  4. Dave Strider

    Idea Center

    I was thinking about making mystery dungeon based story. Basically, the plot is that Darkrai terrorizes the world of pokemon so Cresselia and Mew bring the best pokemon players from around the human world. They wake up as their favorite pokemon in basic stage. Sound good?
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