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  1. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    but I have just proven that you can't commit an action 100% for yourself. Everyone is explaining altruism as 100% for someone else. So, no they're not opposites in the context that it has been used in this debate.
  2. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    You would be correct in saying so, but to be fair: Comparing selfishness to altruism wasn't a fair fight to begin with. Had you use the polar opposite of altruism then the debate would've been drawn to inconclusive.
  3. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I'm saying there's no way to disprove a lot of arguments that can be made about this. Even if said arguments are polar opposites.
  4. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    Just pointing out that there was irony in what can also be proven in the same methods selfishness is proven.
  5. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I wasn't pointing out that it was altruism either. Why do people keep thinking that? o-o
  6. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I never said their wouldn't be a benefit to yourself, Opal. I was saying that everything you do is also for another person. It's a bit of an oxymoron/paradox (Don't know what to call it). But it's there.
  7. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    Well, think of conditioning for one. Just the way you're raise and the way you act in society. It's a way of life that's passed down from one generation to the next. This debate here. Why are you trying to prove something to everyone else. You think it's fun? You wouldn't be debating if there...
  8. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    Course in the same theory you can prove that everything you do is for some other person. Wether you plan it or not.
  9. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    Not the place to argue about this. Make a thread if you desire.
  10. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I didn't know prior, and I couldn't find it in the profile. Sorry.
  11. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    "He" can be used as collective. I'm tired of people bitching about that and s/he is retarded.
  12. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I know. I'm just being nitpicky about his wording.
  13. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    You make martyrdom sound like suicide. O.o;;; And when you take a bullet, you don't necessarily have to die. You can survive from a wound you know. I'm sure most people hope to survive when doing this. Course that isn't always the case.
  14. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    ... for yourself in hopes of gaining something. I don't see why you'd naturally do something for someone you didn't like. The same goes for yourself.
  15. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I think you're overglorifying my use of love in this instance. Why would you do something for yourself if you didn't care about yourself? Even being suicidal. You're convinced you're doing yourself a favor by killing yourself.
  16. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    There's never a single reason for doing something. If you say there is then you're contradicting your argument. Sure, there might be some selfishness involved. You know what they say though, "how can you love others unless you first love yourself?"
  17. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I believe they are. But the thing they have to understand is that the action is not 100% selfish.
  18. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    No, it's because being polite has been drilled into our head since birth. It's an automatic reaction.
  19. Deretto

    Altruism or Selfishness? Which drives us?

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned impulse. I'm sure a lot of us have made very quick decisions without thinking of the consequences be it bad or good. Another thing to think about is not caring at all. Such as when you get in line for lets say fast food. You and someone get to the end at the...
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