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  1. Dinru


    It sounded, to me, like you were trying to imply that that wasn't the case. Note to self: if lurking forums on less than 4 hours sleep, don't post. It actually isn't very well known at all in the US.
  2. Dinru


    There are quite a few people who are fully aware that gender is not a binary, but are only attracted to the far male end and far female end of the spectrum and call themselves bisexual. Just because someone calls themselves bisexual does not mean that they are unaware of the gender spectrum.
  3. Dinru


    My parents met when she was fourteen and he was sixteen. Still together two children and over 25 years later!
  4. Dinru


    Kinsey-wise, I think I'm like somewhere between 4 and 5.
  5. Dinru


    ...I never said there was anything wrong with it. I just don't quite understand why people can be so totally strictly gay/straight. I mean, feel free to only date boys (or girls, for those that like girls) if that's what floats your boat, I say. It's just my opinion. But people can do what and...
  6. Dinru


    Um. Good question... I know I am romantically attracted to people regardless of gender. Mostly because of the way I see gender in general- I can understand being only physically attracted to certain genitals, but only wanting to date people simply because they have those genitals seems...
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