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Search results

  1. Doctor Jimmy


    Most officers in the United States carry a firearm with them. I have rarely seen a pig with a taser, although I assume they have them. The officer at my school, for example, carries a gun at all times. I suppose it creates fear towards the police, knowing they have a gun. Tasers don't do...
  2. Doctor Jimmy


    Then why does the government need them? Are we really that much of a threat to them that they need guns to keep us under control? I might as well be kissing Big Brother's ass, because as long as they have firepower and we don't, we're fucked. On another note, I think this is a better form of...
  3. Doctor Jimmy


    Tasers are supposed to be non-lethal. So, when an officer gets a hold of this new toy, he ends up using it more often that his regular handgun. Because tasers are not supposed to kill, the officer is used to pulling it out of the holder, pointing it at people, and sometimes firing. Guns, on the...
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