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Search results

  1. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    Okay, I'll leave the steele one. Link Re-accept.
  2. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    I accept 'cause the voices told me to. ~Le Profile
  3. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    OOps! I didin't quite read the 3 bit. So I'll accept this one, then. ~ Profile ~
  4. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    Strange, I'm not sure if legendaries are allowed, but if they are then Profile ~ ~
  5. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    Yay, just one more.
  6. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    Unfortunately, yes. That's wrestling terminology which I used without thinking. :(
  7. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 Triple Threat DQ:8 Days Damage Cap: 30% Banned: OHKO, full recovery moves Arena: Bombed-Out Meadow This used to be a green meadow. It's still green, where there aren't any craters. Many large craters scatter the meadow. They have been recently caused by stuff you don't even want to think...
  8. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 Single DQ: 7 days Damage Cap: 35% Banned: OHKO, Weather moves Arena: Hellbender Cave It's a large, enclosed cave with a very high roof. There is a strange unearthly glow that has lighted up the whole cave. There are small pools of water everywhere that contain small brown lizard-like...
  9. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

  10. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 Single DQ: 10 days Damage Cap: 35% Banned: OHKO Arena: Old Battle Courtyard It's an old open courtyard around 50 metres in length surrounded by brick walls. Besides the courtyard where the battle takes place there's a pool of water 10 metres deep, of the same length north to the...
  11. Dr Frank

    The Challenge Board

    I accept, I guess. But first, can the DQ's duration be increased a bit? Thanks. Profile
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