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Search results

  1. Eevee

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    why do you even post from Eevee the many-worlds interpretation says this is already happening every time a being with free will makes a decision what why would this happen universes are not balloons
  2. Eevee

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    There is. How is that any different from what happened in the first movie? Marty created an alternate 1955 in which his parents are cool. I don't think II was necessarily trying to imply that there are actually two timelines existing simultaneously and that people in the other one were...
  3. Eevee

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    preposterous events on the quantum level are purely random; predetermination is impossible
  4. Eevee

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Back to the Future I and II are consistent; it's just not explained well on-screen (for the sake of suspense most likely). 2015 changes around Doc, Marty, and Jennifer a little before Biff returns from 1955; they are just not in any position to notice. Then again, BttF rules in general seem to...
  5. Eevee

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    why exactly do you find it easier to believe in time travel than to take the requisite three seconds to find out that this man never existed
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