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Search results

  1. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Both wrong. Dawkins absolutely believes (or, okay, is very very close to absolutely believing) that there is no god. Burden of proof does not imply ambivalence on absolutely every issue. That would mean that every conceivable crackpot notion is equally valid. The whole point is to disbelieve...
  2. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    It's not a theory; it's a criticism of how people treat God. Years ago, we didn't know how lightning worked, so we said a god must be responsible. Then we figured it out. Years ago, we didn't know how life came to be, so we said a god must be responsible. Then we figured it out. The notion...
  3. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    WHY is there something :(
  4. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    what the universe is not infinite. why does there have to be "something", and what created the something?
  5. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    That would kill the Debating Hall.
  6. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Organisms do not evolve. Populations evolve.
  7. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    It is very frequently the case that theists grossly misunderstand science at the very least. Sometimes good things happen. Sometimes bad things happen. There are people in Africa dying of AIDS because the Catholic Church is insisting that condoms have no effect on the spread of HIV. Let's...
  8. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    And the Big Bang may have taken place in its own reality that we are unaware of. Special pleading. So in lieu of combining pieces of established knowledge, you are inventing a being which ignores everything we know and then admitting that nobody knows how it works. This is absurd. Appeal to...
  9. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Right well this is one big stupid circle-jerk so let's just focus on the bits Time Psyduck has fundamentally wrong. If God is real, then he could not have been bound by reality; he is part of it. And the question really is: where did God get his ability to create everything, and how does it...
  10. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    On the contrary. Something with a one-in-a-million chance is going to happen fairly frequently across billions of years and trillions of trillions of planets. Creationism is not a theory. Theories are things like the atomic model and quantum mechanics. Evolution is in this category. I am...
  11. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    No, it doesn't. It just raises questions that are so huge you feel comfortable ignoring them. Evolution is complex, and creationism appears deceptively simple because you can just say "oh well God can do anything" without really considering what that means. This is akin to saying "If...
  12. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    In this light, that's even more questionable: every human being starts out as a single cell, a zygote. What is the problem? Creatures adapt and improve. There are all sorts of strange intermediate forms between levels of organisms that most people think of as vastly different. Even...
  13. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Should we all ignore you, then, as you are getting picky over the wording of the thread title? Please explain how a being with the magical ability to do whatever it wishes, regardless of any physical laws and without needing any sort of input, is not far-fetched. Nothing in the universe...
  14. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    its don't worry, I do but I doubt you know how offensive it is to hear of child indoctrination as it happens, most five-year-olds will in fact choose to listen to authority figures and accept whatever they say without question if you can call that a choice what does this have to do with...
  15. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    brainwashing is not an argument nor is "well I have to be right" aka argument from incredulity
  16. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    and the vagina No. Guessing wildly at the future plot of Naruto is neither difficult nor particularly impressive.
  17. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    catching up If it makes no difference to you -- which I find odd given that it affects things like death and the very nature of the world and society -- then why do you believe it? I can't say much about habitual beliefs at all; if they never affect you, they might as well not exist. Me...
  18. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    this sums up the theist position on everything in a nutshell thread over again
  19. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    What makes religion so special that it does not require proof? In my experience people just don't want proof; they have found some delusion that lets them avoid thinking about some undesirable facet of life and will rationalize away any attempts to point this out. Rejecting rationality for...
  20. Eevee

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    Yes, this is true, and I know it is true. That you are even trying this argument on me demonstrates that you really have no idea what the atheist position is at all. 1. I do not arrange my life around whether or not giant squids exist. If tomorrow they were demonstrated to be a hoax, that...
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