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  1. Eevee


    You don't get it. I have the right to be safe. I should not be forced to be safe. It should be my decision.
  2. Eevee


    Well. Would you rather they be forced into back alleys or forced into a job with regulations and health codes? Granted I have no idea how this is handled in Amsterdam or what it is about Amsterdam that sucks exactly, but I'm pretty sure recognizing prostitution as a legitimate profession at...
  3. Eevee


    Ones requiring me to wear a seatbelt? Not wearing a seatbelt is stupid, but I should be allowed to be stupid. Unless of course it actually endangers someone else needlessly. I am.. having difficulty envisioning a car hitting another car or something near pedestrians at a 60mph difference in...
  4. Eevee


    Who said I didn't want to wear a seatbelt?
  5. Eevee


    Then if that's a concern for you, insist that everyone else in the car wear a seatbelt, or refuse to go with them (or at least refuse to sit up front). You have very simple and direct control over this.
  6. Eevee


  7. Eevee


    Seconding the "grow some balls". That's what a nanny state is. I draw it at people who fundamentally cannot be expected to be responsible for themselves, which is pretty much children (however you may want to define that) and the brain-damaged. For the record I oppose suicide laws, seatbelt...
  8. Eevee


    Are you actually supporting a nanny state?
  9. Eevee


    then why are they catholic
  10. Eevee


    Really. It is entirely possible to change my mind; the facts to do so simply do not exist, which is why I hold the position I do. What would change your mind? When every argument you have is validly struck down, that means that you are wrong. This is the very crux of debating. If it is...
  11. Eevee


    Man, grow some balls. Either learn to express yourself and defend your point of view or don't say anything at all, especially if your point of view is that a whole group of people are doing something evil. Don't spew your bile and then run off with your tail between your legs because people...
  12. Eevee


    the attorney general doesn't think it would be retroactive, but expects a court case about it so I have to wonder is it possible to take a constitutional amendment to court claiming that it's unconstitutional? what happens if a constitution conflicts with itself?
  13. Eevee


  14. Eevee


    everyone needs to shave body hair is grosssssss
  15. Eevee


    on the contrary I am very interested in what you and other men do in your spare time :9
  16. Eevee


    ok now tell aobaru to stop passing arbitrary moral and legal judgment on me for something an ancient bedtime story says you can believe whatever stupid thing you want, whatever but the second you try to use a mythology selected at random to influence my life or legal system, I will destroy...
  17. Eevee


    breeding parts what the hell does this have to do with what I said gender dysphoria has nothing to do with sexual orientation and I would argue that gender is still a preference boy learn to express yourself coherently or go away
  18. Eevee


    oh we'll bust out with the science when it's convenient eh I see how it is I don't even care to get into this argument because it's completely irrelevant; trying to defend homosexuality as "well it's innate" implies that there's something wrong with it in the first place unless you have an...
  19. Eevee


    Then no, you don't see where I'm coming from. Make it some arbitrary preference if you want. Favorite color. For even more accuracy, how about preference in hair color in the opposite sex? Some people like brunettes, some people like blondes, some people like redheads, and that's just how...
  20. Eevee


    Yeah that's real helpful thanks.
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