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Search results

  1. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Flora, you jerk >:( Oh, well; at least our dastardly deeds won out in the end. Good work, Butterfree! And, uh, RNG. Shame this wasn't more active.
  2. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 2] Hm, I guess if anybody knows anything about the lack of deaths they're unwilling to speak up. I wish we could do something better, but there doesn't seem to be anything and we've only got seven hours left, so I'll vote no lynch unless something happens to come up.
  3. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1] No lynch, then.
  4. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1] I doubt we've got any sergeants - Chalumeau's said ve prefers magician and just added that role to the list because Mai and I asked for it. We've probably got a stunt double, since I think Chalumeau's wanted to add the role for a while and it hasn't been used yet...
  5. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1] Okay, "exists" wasn't a good word. I meant that I think it lurks more than it plays. I can't remember how often it plays, though.
  6. Eifie

    #mafia Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: #mafia Mafia [Day 1] Okay! Hm. I guess res's death is pretty unindicative since I think it's a sort of prominent player on the mafia forum? Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't been paying attention lately, but I guess if it was unusual someone would have said something. ... Oh...
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