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  1. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    But there is a limit to the number of clones a Pokemon can create right? Its determined by the speed of the Pokemon as to how many clones can be created right?
  2. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    I'm very sorry if this question isn't in the right thread but all it says for the move substitute is in this thread is: 7. Substitute The energy needed to make a substitute is equal to half the health the substitute will have, rounded up. This is the only thing I can see that refers to...
  3. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Another question! For energy it says... 3. Account for the Attack's Effects If the attack has an added effect, such as a chance to inflict the target with a status condition or lower one of their stats, with a greater than 20% chance of occurring, then add one to the energy total. This affects...
  4. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    So would it be possible for Shuckle to reach +8 in defenses if he started at +2
  5. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Alright I see what everyone is saying. So would you have to give Shuckle a plus in defenses ? Or any other pokemon in a simliar spot?
  6. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Sounds to me like it would be easier to split each base stat into "ranges". Since most stats don't get much higher than 200, you could split the 200 into 10 ranges. For example if your attack base stat was between 0-20 you would have a 1. 21-40 would be a 2. 41-60 would be a 3. And so on. And...
  7. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    So does a Pokemons base stats and stuff not come into play? A charmander of 1EXP and a charizard of 1EXP will both your blast burn at the same power?
  8. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Ok, I see how that works. Now with the energy it says, 3. Account for the Attack's Effects If the attack has an added effect, such as a chance to inflict the target with a status condition or lower one of their stats, with a greater than 20% chance of occurring, then add one to the energy...
  9. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Ah I see now. 15 divided by 4 is 3.75. Round down and you get 3. So it would use 3 energy for the attack? Is the calculator even fit to use? I came up with 20 damage from the calculator but by doing the math myself i come out with 18. Using blast burn on a nuetral defensive type.
  10. Eishiba

    Damage and Energy Guide

    1. Determine the Attack's Base Power This is quite simple. Get out your handy ASB Attack Guide and find the base power for the move. Take, for example, blast burn, which has a base power of 150. Convert this into a health percentage by dividing the base power by ten and rounding down to the...
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