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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I'd do it too. Since I'm in an Orre mode right now...
  2. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I'm interested too. Don't know what legend I'll be.....
  3. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I'm really interested. Go for it!~
  4. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I could be an evil-blader. But there would be more to her than meets the eye.
  5. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I sorta want an Animaniacs roleplay. Yes, I know I am a nerd. I don't have a plot, but the plot won't be serious, like Wakko's Wish sorta was, but more like an episode.
  6. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Can do. -salute-
  7. Flareth

    Idea Center

    The only person who killed in that RP was my character of Rose. Now for a stupid idea courtesy of moi. --------- The world of Toniac used to be a wonderful place. Toons, humanlike and animals, American-made or otherwise, lived together in harmony. That is....before the throne of Toniac was...
  8. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I think it'd be good. I remember watching some and reading one of the books (Not manga, book) when I was younger.
  9. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Maybe use Giratina or a regular Pokemon like Gengar? or Mewtwo or Arceus? Maybe we need a PMD based RP again....but what the plot would be...I dunno
  10. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Aaaah! A somewhat good idea I have...an RP based on Go! Go! Hypergrind. i know many of you will be being "What the heck is that?". I've never played the game but here's the 'story", thanks to Wikipedia. So...yeah. It won't be exactly like the game. We will have our original characters in it...
  11. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Okay, it's not exactly SSB, but it's an SSB-style tournament. Fancharacters means fancharacters from cartoons. Of course, it won't be completely serious, after all cartoons are in it.
  12. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Why? Many cartoons can fight.....you just have to imagine harder and think about their personality and what they use on their show. For example, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot would probably use mallets and gags of sorts.
  13. Flareth

    Idea Center

    How about an RP where cartoons and fancharacters fight in an Super Smash Brothers like tourament thing.
  14. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Hey. Someone remembers it. :D But still isn't a bad idea. He could possibly make it better.
  15. Flareth

    Idea Center

    How about an RP where people from other series wake up as Pokemon Trainers. Animals would turn into Pokemon.
  16. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I would!! :D
  17. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Oh, I have an idea for the Pokemon for Pumbaa.....Camerupt....I know, two different species....Donphan would be great, ignoring the fact it was based on an elephant.
  18. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I call the Pumbaa character. Zora can be the Timon character. xD
  19. Flareth

    Idea Center

    Sure, you can have two. But...I'm not so good at writing plots. And I need a name....eheheh
  20. Flareth

    Idea Center

    I remember that RP. I think I joined it (or at least tried to) but that's when I was basically just starting out RPing so.... But it sounds like a good idea. And thanks for the start with the name. The Tailow/Starly could possibly be a 3rd enemy that is stealing food (Thanks for the idea...
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