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Search results

  1. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    So my friend decided to call to ask how my date went. While I was still on my date, and at the movies, of course. So this voicemail was the result Later: EDIT: Sheesh this is old but:
  2. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    So my date and I had been talking on facebook last Monday. Like, January third. So then I got a notification saying my friend had commented on that post:
  3. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

  4. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

  5. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

  6. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    (I was reading this thread. And a quote from the Fairy Godmother.) EDIT:
  7. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

  8. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    Oh yeah, and my friend was all like "oh dear god" back in like august and I was like "...what?" and she replied with "I'm Whitney Houston." BEST WAY OF TELLING US SHE GOT THE FAIRY GODMOTHER EVER.
  9. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    It's kinda an inside joke - we have nothing against Minnesota - and it's a pretty good thing nothing happens there. It sounds like a nice, quiet state.
  10. Flora

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    (someone actually had relatives in Minnesota, it was kinda funny) And that's not even mentioning "SISTER JOJO, FIGHTING CRIME" or "Sister Jojo, behind bars!" which also came from that class. also my friend and i were supposed to go canoeing but that failed so we went on a nature walk and saw...
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