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  1. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    It should be automatic; if they're on your friends list it should be available! As for tm usage...i don't see why they'd go back to single use.
  2. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

  3. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    okay that's fine then new pokemon and stuff are not okay for leaki wait whAT
  4. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    Spoiler tags. spoiler tags everywhere. (I apparently forgot to write the actual point of this post: PLEASE SPOILER TAG THINGS. I DON'T WANT TO SEE LEAKS T_T)
  5. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    I could see this being an applicable argument if there HAD been a Pokemon Global Link with a Dream World for a while. (I didn't know PGL existed before gen five?) Like, if it had been around since Gen 3 or 4, this would be understandable. HOWEVER, it was invented for Gen 5. The Dream World is...
  6. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    That Nintendo Insider article got its shit from Serebii, which (I've found at least!) to be pretty damn good with it's info.
  7. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    Ahhhhhh that makes sense!
  8. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    I thought he meant in general! Like, as in direct trading isn't a thing in the cartridge version either. :/
  9. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    ...wait what? where'd you hear that from? maybe i'm misunderstanding or something but not allowing direct wireless to trade would just be dumb on nintendo's part.
  10. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    Aurorus is cool, dude. I'd pick Aurorus. Tyrantrum reminds me of a digimon.
  11. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    Oh! Fennekin evo has a broom tail! (Fire/Psychic? that would be REALLY GREAT) and now i'm SO GLAD I WANTED FROAKIE IT LOOKS SO RAD
  12. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    I'm 99 and 1/2% sure it's just one Kanto starter
  13. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    If they gave strong Pokemon mega evos, though, that would be far too much power cities destroyed humans eradicated mega pokemon now rule (okay but seriously I thought a major point was to boost pokemon who weren't as good as they could be? like DUNSPARCE DEAR LORD PLEASE MEGA EVO THAT THING...
  14. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    It's almost definitely for Pokemon that don't evolve OR are fully evolved but not great. I'm not entirely sure how statistically good Raichu is but if it is a decent pokemon already I doubt they'd Mega-Evo it.
  15. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    i'm actually pretty excited! something to change up the battles a little is welcome to me! (that ampharos though "i am finally beautiful")
  16. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    Personal theory: Legendaries are rare as fuck and therefore would sell for a lot of money, so naturally Team Flare would steal the version legendary (or the opposite?). This would likely set off a Second Movie-esque cycle, where the loss of the Life Pokemon makes the land wither or the loss of...
  17. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    COTTON CANDY POKEMON I AM SO HAPPY also Team Flair may be my favorite ("take over the world? nah we just want money")
  18. Flora

    Pokemon X/Y

    I am so excited for this that i screamed and happy-danced as soon as i saw the commercial Also: Pokemon Quartz. No. Can't unsee...
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