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Search results

  1. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Is serving me tea and scones. ...Too bad. I love tea and scones.
  2. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Ate KaibaCorp for breakfast!
  3. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Is a nyan cat
  4. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Has snow surrounding them despite it being March
  5. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^is stuck in her basement using an iPad due to tornado watch
  6. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Knows that sweet potato in Arabic is pronounced 'botata'. Well, you do now.
  7. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^is Wheatley and wants to kill me
  8. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Knows that you can get FIVE CATS FOR FIVE DEUTCHMARKS AT ARBY'S (Crap, have I used that already?)
  9. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Is going to watch Hetalia
  10. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Knows that France is an utter failure
  11. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Has a minor case of serious brain damage
  12. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Knows that you can get five cats for five Deutchmarks at Arby's. ULQI I'M CRACKING UP OVER HERE AHHH
  13. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^wants her MTV
  14. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Gave George Harrison cancer (Yes, I'm stuck on the Beatles. So what? They're my favorite band!)
  15. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^IS Ringo Starr
  16. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Doesn't know that I fail at spelling Kardashian
  17. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Is a Cardassian
  18. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Has a signature or user picture.
  19. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^eats fruitcake... while drawing a picture of a rainbow Ritsu~!
  20. Frostagin

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^Eats Russians while killing Frenchmen Wait, what?
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