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Search results

  1. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid felt a spike of guilt at first; had she made Ghaspius feel uncomfortable? But soon enough it seemed clear that the silence was borne out of respect. Her appreciation was evident on her face. "Mm," Astrid hummed, deep in thought. "Maybe... that's true here too. For all of us, but...
  2. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    "Her name was Ashley," Astrid said with a tiny smile, eyes to the floor. "She's dead." Eager not to let a heavy silence dominate the room, she kept her mouth running. "But um. I dunno. My memory's been... fine, I think, but y'know, I've been having these dreams. Like I'm living a whole lifetime...
  3. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    "Scriven," Astrid echoed. "Rings a bell. Was gonna head down there to see about a job, but there was enough demand in Frontier Town for now. Not trying to make too many commitments when so much is... confusing still. "Used to know a girl who you really remind me of some years back. She'd have...
  4. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid grabbed his tassel and pulled herself upright with a gracious smile. "Thanks. I'm a... an explorer," she said, hesitating as if sifting through several possible answers. "Was in charge of covering an entire coastline for an entire continent, plus everything fifty-plus miles inland...
  5. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid allowed herself a giggle at the 'explosion.' "I hope we can make this world like that. Isn't it a nice thought? I hope... why we were brought here is truly related to that. If this is going to be my home for a while, I'd love nothing more than to make it so." Steady silence. Then...
  6. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid was still for a moment before closing her mouth and breathing a subdued laugh through her nose. "I was just real optimistic about this place, is all," she said. "Should've known better." Ghaspius had turned himself upside-down. Compelled, Astrid rolled onto her back and let her tails...
  7. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid wanted to clarify that she hated being out of the loop, not so much the Gala poster--but such was the nature of conversation sometimes. And she kind of agreed anyway. Astrid shook her head sharply and with hardly any torque, almost in a twitching motion. "Sorry, just, taking a moment to...
  8. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Soirée. Another unfamiliar word. Fascinating. Context clues were her friend on this one, though. "I'm out of the loop," Astrid said sheepishly as she returned the poster. "I guess... I wanted to get a taste of my surroundings first and got a little lost in that. Oops." She moved to balance...
  9. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid nodded along until-- "--Ohh. Oh." The calculus started calculus'ing in her head. "You haven't just... heard of them, you're one of them. One of us, I should say. S-sorry, I guess I didn't recognize you! There were so many I guess I didn't spot you at first, ahah..." She grabbed the...
  10. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid almost waved him off, but reconsidered. "Water'd be nice, actually. Thanks. But um, otherwise I'm fine, I think." She sought something in the room to fix her eyes on, settling on one of the berry sacks hanging from the ceiling, between moments of looking at the Misdreavus so she could...
  11. Goat

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Astrid's head hung at a tilt, paw to her chin. Why she'd come here next in her aimless journey to find nothing in particular was beyond her; maybe it was the dim lighting allowing her eyes some rest from the beating sun outside, the magnetism of desaturated colors peeking through the blinds, or...
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