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Search results

  1. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Lets go: Otto Octavius!
  2. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okay Kitsune, use Dark Pulse thrice. If you can't use that for some reason, then use Extrasensory. If she has any clones, then Swift to dispose of them. Dark Pulse/Extrasensory/Swift x3
  3. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okay if you somehow manage to break the Encore, then use Skull Bash, and the same for the second action. On the third, if she still has a sub then Skull Bash again, otherwise Disable Hidden Power. Flamethrower/Skull Bash ~ Skull Bash ~ Skull Bash/Disable (Hidden Power)
  4. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okay Kitsune, we've fallen behind due to my lack of foresight. Let's start off with a Flamethrower, then use Extrasensory twice. If she has clones, then sweep a Flamethrower through them all. If you can't use one move, then use the other, and if can't use either, then use Dark Pulse, sweeping...
  5. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okat Dr. Crane, lets start off with our own Natural Gift to poison him and put you both to sleep. Then do nothing and let Ingrain heal you so that we win. But if the sub somehow stops him sleeping then use double Snore. Natural Gift (Poison and Sleep) ~ Do Nothing/Snore ~ Do Nothing/Snore
  6. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okay Dark Pulse him thrice, but try and sweep it out if he has clones. However if he uses Protect or Detect then use Growth. If he uses Safeguard on any action, then Focus Punch! Dark Pulse/Growth/Focus Punch x3
  7. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    Okay Dr. Crane, start off with a Focus Punch. Then Ingrain yourself for free health. Finally finish off with some Payback. Focus Punch ~ Ingrain ~ Payback
  8. Grass King

    Grass King vs. Negrek

    If Negrek wants to use full reserves, then thats fine by me. However if she doesn't, and wants to know which water-type I'll be using, I'll announce that before the battle officially starts. Either way, I'll be kicking off with, Doctor Crane, the Cacnea.
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