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Search results

  1. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    Damnit! I hate the sun! Even when it's artificial, but even so... the real thing beats a fake any day. Rawk now jumped up on top of the pod, sitting like a dog, he grinned slightly and his fangs showed, despite him smiling, he looked slightly scary with the black-skin, red-eyes and horn aspects...
  2. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    Rawk looked up from his spot on the floor and dashed after the pod, when he caught up with it he noticed two Beastbloods introducing themselves to the Seed, Rawk shook his head slightly. They're actually bothering to talk to him, why? It's not like names are important to know. Rawk thought as he...
  3. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    ((good point, i can't wait till the action starts))
  4. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    ((back from holiday :( )) Rawk lent backwards slightly, then in an instant, he was a blur heading towards the pod, then he was there and he stood up straight. No matter how many times I do that, it'll never stop being fun! Then he hoisted his rucksack over his shoulder and looked at the gate...
  5. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    ((SHIT! we started when i was on holiday (i still am) i´ll post now)) Rawk was standing in the corner of the room, he was crouching down to avoid being seen; not that he was nervous but because he prefered to stay away from company. He was ducked down just low enough so his horn wouldn´t stick...
  6. H20firefly

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    Name: Rawk Hiatana Age: 19 Gender: Male Beastblood (y/n): Yes If so, what Pokémon: Absol Appearance Tall and slender, his arms and legs are long and where his wrists meet with his hands white fur sprouts up and reaches some way up his arms. His skin is pitch black all over, on the tips of...
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