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Search results

  1. Hawkfish

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    If I was starving to death and there was no other food source. That may sound sick. But I see no difference between a child and adult. Except one is more eatable and the other has a better chance in survival. And as I said I would prefer eating insects over humans since I'm not a cannibal. And...
  2. Hawkfish

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Yes since it would be rude to refuse. And truthly I woudn't want to tick cannibals off. If you know what I mean.
  3. Hawkfish

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    No, but I'm not a cannibal. I woudn't eat a human. I like animal meat. And even then there is a limit on age. Animal meat is tough by the time an animal is ten. Can you imagine human meat. I probably even if I was starving coudn't chew threw human flesh. I would rather dig up worms, and eat...
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