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Search results

  1. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...descend from the sky and implode. You will wake up, but as Ho-Oh. You decide to...
  2. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...crushed ice, credit cards and hummingbird feathers. You drink it, and it tastes like Hawaiian pizza. The next day...
  3. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    One hour later, keep running into a wall until a Missingo. appears...
  4. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...will subsequently throw tons of VCRs at trucks without warning, while the trucks are on fire. This causes...
  5. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...your Max Repel, because it tastes horrible. Lugia will then...
  6. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...locate Reshiram, who stares at you blankly before handing you a baby Lugia. With this Lugia, you must...
  7. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...Hogia, who really just wants to de-mentalise that Pikachu. The two of you walk through a place known as Cobalt Cave, where...
  8. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...who is really a phoenix in disguise, and then several Groudon land on the Prime Minister's front lawn. This causes you to...
  9. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...You steal their soul and turn into a Dragonite with severe brain damage. You start using...
  10. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...The cake turns out to be a lie and Groudon eats your soul. Then, you turn into a Shedinja...
  11. Hogia

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...eat an Escape Orb and get indigestion, thus causing...
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