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Search results

  1. J.T.

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    S'good - no one's asking you to love 'em, just to tolerate them and not take away their rights because you think they're gross. :D Now back to pigs with Obama flu flying Manhattan low over planes. wait
  2. J.T.

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    i love this forum so much right now
  3. J.T.

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    hold on is he suggesting that gay men and gay women should marry each other Although I am pleasantly surprised to not see anything expressly saying "gays are icky, take away their rights" in his post.
  4. J.T.

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    haha yup remember how that last strain of swine flu caused the apocalypse yes I know someone else said it first =_= fix'd And because the U.S. is full of people who think Bush is Jeebus reborn? I don't know why people are retarded down there. no, north of you, in Canada there's a very...
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