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Search results

  1. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Sonora's stance relaxed – of course she'd believed the witching wolf would pull through the whole time, but she hadn't been stupid enough not to be ready to jump if Leona had attacked. It was all good, though. No problem. No fear. She breathed for the first time in a minute. "Alright, let's get...
  2. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Leona's eyes bulged, she bared her teeth, and her Shadows blasted all higher thought from her brain. There was nothing left but fear. A frenzied snarl ripped from her throat, directed at the first to speak, the last to attack, the closest. You'll be fine. We'll make sure of it. But no...
  3. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    "Wha– A 'couple of Lycas'? The fuck—" Leona's bafflement was interrupted by first one, then another impact against her glass prison. Its proofing being internal, the aura-charged attacks from outside chipped, then fractured, then shattered it – a few follow-up strikes would finish the job...
  4. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Leona nodded, and wrung her head again with a huff, trying to clear it. "Yeah. I've cured enough myself. Gotta be a way." "Mistral's an umbreon. Marin's an espeon. I got a bunch of other 'mon, but they're my true partners. Always with me." Until now. It was hard to tell just how much of a...
  5. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Leona stared at Aige for a moment, confused, trying to work out what she meant by that. "I can barely think and speak," she said, softly. "I'm losing my mind in here. Gods know if it's curable." The Lycanroc whined again, the same way she kept doing when struggling to recall something. "It...
  6. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    "How can I be alright?" muttered the Lycanroc. "Ever again. I'm... They did something to me—" Her eyes bulged as her lips pulled back further in a grotesque, feral snarl. Calls: 1
  7. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    "Silver... like the Johto champion?" The wolf shook her head, and pawed at her face again. "Doesn't matter. Open... I don't know how it opens. There's an electronic lock or something. Might not even work in this blackout." Leona kept her hackles up and her teeth bared as the light came...
  8. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    The pokémon in the box dipped her head low, and tracked Leaf's movement around the edge of the room with wide, red-shot eyes. There was a light switch, but it did nothing. There was no power. "Name... yeah. Got a name. I'm..." There was a pause. Not reluctance – difficulty. Of speech? ...of...
  9. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    As Silver stepped into the room, there was a dull thump as dim, red emergency lighting came up, triggered by his movement. The pokémon in the containment cell was canine, or close enough – that much was obvious, at least. It was hard to tell too much about her in the poor lighting, and her...
  10. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    She heard the fighting and arguing long before they approached the room. She paced from one side of the box to the other, ears pinned flat, chest heaving stale air, eyes wide and fixed on the crack in the door. Open, it was open, if she could just get out of the box. Then they were right...
  11. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Sonora nailed the Noctowl. Absolutely thrashed him. What a show! And then, okay, the angels were taking care of the guy now. Alright. Time to find other goons to piledrive! Or Seth's partners! Or anyone she knew who'd been caught and sent down here. Her eyes glowed gold as she prowled the...
  12. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Sonora smirked to herself at the sound of banter, moves and collisions. Those angels had this well in paw, and any additional help at this point felt almost like an unnecessary performance, but hey! Who was she if not a performer? She'd hauled herself atop the cages, and now nimbly made her way...
  13. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Sonora slipped into the room's cracks and corners the second the alarm went off, pulling up her Stealth Scarf wild rag around her muzzle. She reached for her bandolier and cracked an Invisify Orb, further quieting her movement. Hone Claws; Protean; Dark. She mapped the position of the witching...
  14. Jackie Cat

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Sonora poked her head through the door to spy the rows of cages, her ears flat and her eyes as wide as a new moon. "Saints on earth," she whispered, as fascinated as she was sickened and horrified. "Where are the goddamn guards?" Her outline blurred as she split herself into illusory Double...
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