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Search results

  1. Keldeo

    Rate the User Title above you!

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack 8/10 Shouldn't there be a period at the end if it's grammatical?
  2. Keldeo

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    8/10 ...non?
  3. Keldeo

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    8/10 I assume that's about your avatar? that is one badass fish with arms and legs
  4. Keldeo

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    8/10 indeed, it is a mad, mad, mad world
  5. Keldeo

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    7/10 wait is that a song lyric or something? *googles* oh well, it's close to a song lyric.
  6. Keldeo

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    7/10 ehehehe um
  7. Keldeo

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    7.75/10 ehehehehehe ...heh heh
  8. Keldeo

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    8/10 better than japanese, yup [I can only read Hiragana. Period.]
  9. Keldeo

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    ...it's actually from anguish languish ("a pocketful of rye") 7/10 Now that's something you don't hear every day, is it?
  10. Keldeo

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    7/10 dough
  11. Keldeo

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    6.27/10 ... ... *sip* eeeeeeeurrrgggh yeah I hate vegetable juice
  12. Keldeo

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    8/10 ...you mean without melting or...?
  13. Keldeo

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    7.8/10 Oh yes that usertitle that was so conveniently translated by someone else wait what does it mean again
  14. Keldeo

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    [...which one did you see? oh yeah the one with all the green and blue I'm guessing] 8/10 Cool, but shouldn't there be a space between on and to? or is my grammar knowledge failing
  15. Keldeo

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    ...then change your sig or be forever doomed to suffer a life of google translate jk. I feel I've said this before.
  16. Keldeo

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    6.7/10 Alas, poor Yorick who doth not speaketh Japanese. "Rentora, Lugia, Lucario" I... see you like Pokemon whose english names begin with L. Points for trying, but tbh I liked "~the one and only" better.
  17. Keldeo

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    7.6/10 what are you talking about everything to lose
  18. Keldeo

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    7/10 ...type?
  19. Keldeo

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    7.6/10 SSSssssssssś
  20. Keldeo

    Rate the User Title above you!

    7/10 you are errro hehehe
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