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Search results

  1. Lili

    The Klondike Bar Game

    I would dress up as an elderly man wearing only a necklace made of Fruit Loops, though they'd probably deem me crazy and wouldn't let me in. What would you do to prove that global warming doesn't exist and that global god-it's-fucking-cold-in-here is real?
  2. Lili

    The Klondike Bar Game

    Rip out the rubber bands that are supposed to make my overly-large overbite normal out of my mouth(although I'd do that gladly). What would you do for the turban that Naboo is sporting in my avatar?
  3. Lili

    The Klondike Bar Game

    I would prepare my head for the major brainfreeze sure to come. (Funny, I'm actually eating a Klondike Bar as I write this xD) What would you do for a Klondike Bar that turns you invisable?
  4. Lili

    The Klondike Bar Game

    I would eat moss. What would you do for a cup of liquified fruit?
  5. Lili

    The Klondike Bar Game

    (uh.. ignoring the user above) What would you do for your favorite celebrity to knock on your door and come into your house?
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