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Search results

  1. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Yeah! Good battle, Ridous.
  2. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Nice job, guys! If we're lucky, we can finish the game in this next round! Bulbasaur, I think you're powerful enough. Just fire off Solarbeams, one at StarLight and two at Serene. If the one aimed at StarLight misses somehow, then try again. Solarbeam(StarLight) ~ Solarbeam(Serene) /...
  3. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Okay, Diglett, here's the plan. Go somewhat far away from Ein, but put Ein between StarLight and you. Proceed to use Earth Power on Ein. Then use Earth Power twice more, first on StarLight then on Serene. Try to move around the area in between attacks. Earth Power (Ein) ~ Earth Power...
  4. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    ((Ah. Well, you learn something new every day.)) Okay, Diglett! First off, use Screech! Then, use Slash twice, both on StarLight! If you can't attack StarLight, attack Ein! If you can't attack Ein, attack Serene! Screech ~ Slash(StarLight / Ein / Serene) ~ Slash(StarLight / Ein / Serene)...
  5. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    ((Diglett hasn't used Toxic during this battle. I'd type up my next attacks, but I've gotta go.))
  6. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Aah, nice round guys. Keep it up! Ralts, I want you to pick up both of the Ralts with Psychic. I want you to knock their heads together. Do anything to do so; preferably low in the air, but even dragging them will work if you can't muster the energy. You will probably use a lot of energy doing...
  7. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Okay guys, overall, we're doing better, so let's try to keep it that way! Oh, Ralts, I forgot Synchronize! At least you're both still asleep... At any rate, use Sleep Talk twice, then try Psychic on StarLight. I could give you something conditional, but something about those Choice Specs makes...
  8. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    Alright, Diglett, you've got superior speed, so just go underground and stay there! Then, dig out a big area a bit down the first tunnel, to make a space for attacks to die off if shot down there! Finally, make a tunnel very close to poking out of the ground, but not noticeably, in case one of...
  9. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    A what now? I did not see that. Crap. I guess I'll make do. Soo, what's the point of sending out? I have no choice. I send them all out.
  10. Lucas₇₅₅

    Ridous vs Lucas755

    (>_< Thought I did put them on. Fixed) I'll send out Bulbasaur.
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