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Search results

  1. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Oh snap I did. *facepalm* I only have 2 water and a fire starter in my PC. ;~;
  2. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    A stick. I wanna light it. I catch and take the stick.
  3. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Ooh. Need some Grass type TMs. I catch. Aaand I suppose I'll go blue button.
  4. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Yeah sure, Wynaut?
  5. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Oh this is so hard. Umm, I'll take the Hoothoot holding the Mental Herb.
  6. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Oh yay, Wise Glasses and a Sharp Beak! =D Take, take, take!
  7. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    I catch. I remember importing one of these from Emerald to Diamond and how small it was. =3 (First badge. DH Dogma died.)
  8. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Can otters bark? I catch though. (I'm waiting for a few more people to post)
  9. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    I am feeling very sleepy. When I wake up, I catch this Poliwhirl. *wakes up* Also, can I put my other Pokemon in my PC?
  10. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Yup yup yup. That is what I plan to do.
  11. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Wow I've seen too many of these. =P I ignore. And I shall take the one ride + 5 balls package to the Ferris Wheel immediately.
  12. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Wow, we are hitting the jackpot here. =P Catch. And before you ask I know I'm gonna have balls left over. I know what I'm doing with it/those.
  13. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    I enter this foreboding Fun House. I won't bother singing because I lost my tilde thing. =P
  14. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Niiice beasty. Catch! =D This may be the cream of the crop for this journey.
  15. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Yes. A Mankey. I catch. Now to make some good pig/steroids jokes. =P
  16. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Erm, let's see. Might as well pick up some Ghost Types. I catch. =D
  17. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    I shall catch this one! And can Oshawotts even curl up in a ball?
  18. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Ooh. A Mienfoo. I was gonnna have one on my team, but then it got replaced with Onix, then Gigalith, then Aerodactyl, then Skarmory. Buuut I'll pass on this one
  19. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    I shall enter the.... *drumroll* .... Fun House! This time, I shall bring along Oshawott, because otters are cool. ~We're living in a fun house baby~ ~We're living in a fun house pass the gravy~ ~And while we're on the subject meet my friend Davey~ ~He was in the navy and his hair is wavy~...
  20. LuckyLapras' Duck

    Thunderclap Amusement Park

    Oh yay. That was unexpected. =P Well, goodbye whatever cool Pokemon eluded my presence! *waves*
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