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Search results

  1. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    >:[ Okay, then. This was going to come eventually. Cynda, I want you to decide with your own feelings whether you still like Blaise after... that song. If you're through with him, give him a nice breakup present with solarbeam, then use swagger (because you're so done, you don't even care) and...
  2. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    I'm running out of lovity moves. :( So, use substitute yourself, as double the Blaise might need double the Cyndy to keep up. Then chill out, as your energy is getting not that low, but it's coming. After that flare up the fire on your back as a pretty display, though make sure it's defensive...
  3. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    Re: Foamy vs. Mai Hrmm.... let's... I dunno... Give Blaise a hug? Whatever. And... after that, once the haze has cleared, howl to the song, whichever part you'd like. After that, use swift (as a heart) and don't hit him. Use it as a pretty display, but don't hurt Blaise. Like a little present...
  4. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    Re: Foamy vs. Mai Hey. Poor little Blaise, wondering about your feelings for him. Let's captivate him for a moment, mmkay? After that, use smokescreen, and if possible do that thing where the smoke comes out like a heart, to be romantic. Use heatwave after that. Also, don't laugh at your...
  5. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    Re: Foamy vs. Mai Okay then. Let's start off with attract, because I have no idea what the song will do (though I have a sinking feeling of what it might be). I'm not that much of an actual music person (foreign language stuff is fun!). After that, solar beam again, to at least try to do...
  6. Mai

    Blastoise vs. Mai

    Re: Foamy vs. Mai To hopefully stop those nasty super effective moves, why don't you use sunny day, Cyndy? And after that, use captivate. On the third action, if he countered sunny day with a rain dance, use it again, and if the sun is still shining use solarbeam. If he protects or detects, use...
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