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Search results

  1. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    This was... sort of nice, she supposed. While her senses told her to stay completely on guard (Any sort of outing is an appearance and opportunity to influence the public, she always thought), she could almost feel herself relaxing. No, she could feel it, which in itself was an unnerving...
  2. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    ((Sorry for the wait; I was planning to see if anyone else had anything to say.)) Well, it seems the old fish isn't insane after all. After such a fine showcase of my eldest sibling, it's much a suprise. Smiling amiably, Beauty slowly set down a rock she was "carrying" next to her. Able to...
  3. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The buildings were reconstructed in a day, they'll say. Everything is well once again! Rafael has saved the day, while Angel hid inside of a meeting room all day. The public had a riot, and after a massive outcry the Demon stepped down. He apologized publicly, but no one cared. The end! A fine...
  4. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Well then. Rafael has been notified, I will be told of the events promptly after the meeting ends, the city needs cleaning up and I shall be the one to plan and execute the recontruction. While doing so I must point out Angel is not bothering himself with public safety and the safety of his own...
  5. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    So, he seems to wish that I not listen in. Why, I wonder? Quite the odd cycle of events, but I'm sure Rafael shall tell me what has occured within hours of it occuring. Why not, after all? We are on the same side no matter the subject, and therefore it would always be beneficial for him to...
  6. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Well, that was that. It seems there isn't too much fanfare for Angel; my dear brother is far too unpopular for that. Her preparation was unnecessary, and in satisfaction of that she nodded to herself. I'm glad. Perhaps, despite our failures, this duo shall win the crown. There was no real need...
  7. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    What did this mean? Her brother was steadily getting better at diplomacy, it seemed; there were no more easy things to pick up on. She... needed to rest, consider things and figure out what to do. That would be best. To defeat the threat that was not a threat, she needed to be careful. And...
  8. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    She had to face the problem, exterminate the threat before it become lethal. If there even was a threat. Was there? Was her safety in any way compromised? Of course. Her answer came in the form of a scarred kingdra, flying past her with a nod that seemed in a way threatening. Of course he is...
  9. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Don't you talk to me about that government nonsense, you petite worm!" Beauty almost exploded at that. Her rage only just barely contained, leaving her once again a volatile bomb of suppressed emotions. He must pay now. I am not a worm; I am a gorebyss and that is that. I will do this calmly...
  10. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    She avoided the question once more. Mirroring Takida's eye motions with her own annoyed glare, Beauty considered whether just telling the yellow carracosta would be worth it. She's alternatively colored and could be affiliated with Angel, and she has given me little to no concrete information...
  11. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    So, she wanted to know what happened. I could tell her, she considered. Or, I could recruit her then tell her. Or, I could see what she's on about and then react accordingly. "Oh, that's quite interesting. Could you perhaps point me in the direction of said noble, or is it important you tell...
  12. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    She had to get up. This was pathetic. I can't believe I was going to do that... however, there lies truth in words I did not mean to think. Beauty surveyed the remains of her room critically, trying to figure out what was salvageable. If anyone sees this it will not be good. I must fix it. Her...
  13. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Why, Rafael... Angel ruling will kill us all, yet you aren't opposing our imminent demise at all with the current events. Lateness, leaving early... political events have been on a high lately and you're missing them all! It was not that she could not keep up with them herself; she would drive...
  14. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Surprised by the buizel spurting in so eagerly, the gorebyss looked questioningly at Angel. Is this child his? She has a scar after all... she was most likely tailing Rafael. That makes sense. She's probably a spy for that horrible kingdra. Kin sticks with kin, after all, and they do both have...
  15. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Oh, of course not. Despite her seconds earlier calling for peace, the aggravated aquatic wanted to rip his throat out. The Demon would not slander, never lie... he only fakes the truth to make someone sound incompetent. That's the way it is. "Of course, that was not slander," she replied. "How...
  16. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    No. You do not needlessly insult me, Demon. I will not allow that. Deepshell has never had any truly crippling problems, and I intend to keep it that way. "That must be very intruiging, to live in a world such as yours. Dear brother, I visit my village every week, and never once had I seen what...
  17. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Treason. He would see who was the treasonous one was, once Rafael took the throne! She held no hope for herself getting a high position (the king would not want her to, as she was not worthy), but Rafael would finally be able to punish the brother who needed it. Yes, the confidence in his...
  18. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    ... Did Phish just side with Demon. He did. This needed to be fixed. The ugly, scarred, evil Demon could not take the throne! No, no, no. After his outburst? No! This was false, when the time came she would make sure he allied with the right brother. Rafael was the true brother. Rafael was the...
  19. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    For a few seconds after Angel insulted her, Beauty did nothing. She was too shocked. After a whole minute of being fully incomprehensive, she finally realized what she said and began to tremble slightly. No, no... He did not mean that. He was wrong and a liar. He was just jealous, envious and...
  20. Mai

    Open Tides Under Siege

    That...! Her brother was truly despicable. A real adversary, she had to admit. Still, that did not consitute him being an heir to the throne. In fact, the very idea of that made him even less of a candidate! Had he ever heard of formality? The gall of him, to insult her like that! If only those...
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