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Search results

  1. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Critique Wanted! Mmmmmnnn... my friend reminds me of a Flareon somehow... can you put a Flareon into the comic somehow? And call her Bailey =D Thanks!
  2. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Critique Wanted! I just thought of a good comment for the chao my chaosona requested: OROCHAOMARU WIL KEEEL YOU! Anyways, make an EeveeSkitty chao, please!
  3. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Critique Wanted! MUAHAHAHAHAHA*shot* Nice! I love it!
  4. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Critique Wanted! I just mean put the Mewtwo chao in one of your sprite comics, please.
  5. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Yes, I meant Skymin. And you did awesomez on it. Although, I coulda sworn there's red on it somewhere... and the flower, where is it? So now, I was wondering if you could put the Mewtwo in a sprite comic, to play as me, ordering something silly? Kthxbye
  6. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) I can't find the comic. I searched, like, five times :o
  7. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Make a Skymin chao, please!
  8. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Oops, I forgot a Mewtwo was already made >.> So sctratch that. So I'll replace it with... A Lugia! Bananana
  9. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) The wings are supposed to be green, too. But nice job anyways!
  10. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) I hope you can do animals, but can you make one of a tiger cub? And another of Mewtwo, please!
  11. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) The chao is better now.
  12. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) I think the ears should be standing straighter, for a better explanation.
  13. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) One thing that bugs me. The ears. They seem to look... weird. But anyways, make one of Erindor now! (a shiny Espeon with Salamence wings)
  14. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) Did anyone notice that before today the last post was in, ah, OCTOBER?! OF TOO OH OH ATE?! Anyways, nice. I'd love a Shiny Umbreon chao, with lavender eyes...
  15. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection ...He's trying to do all teh chaos, I think he'll get to Mewtwo eventually, Terry.
  16. Mewtwo

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection These your first chaos? If so, they're excellent! Better than I did. My first chao is stored deep inside the hard drive and only comes out when I need a good laugh >.> And I used to use the chaos you used to use, too. Then Caazper gave me...
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